Welcome to LakeWinnipesaukeeVacation Rental.com!

Hey everyone, welcome to LakeWinnipesaukeeVacationRental.com, home of one of New Hampshire’s favorite Lake Winnipesaukee cottages. Owned and operated by Don Martin since 1984, Lake Winnipesaukee Vacation Rental is located within walking distance of a private beach on the lake.

If this is your first visit to the site, welcome! We hope you will check back soon to keep up on the latest new and hopefully book a stay. If you are a returning visitor, welcome back, hope you can find what you need. Either way, however, please bare with us as we flesh out this new site. For the time being, the site is still a work in progress and has yet to be officially launched. We will be working hard in the next few weeks to get it finished, and we hope you stick around.

Thanks for visiting once again, check back soon for a fully functional site.